Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ma Po Tofu

My homemade ma po tofu with white rice.  This one plate meal is a mouthful of homeyness.  I just feel such satisfaction after devouring this for dinner and the leftovers next day for lunch.  Another fast meal for me to cook these days but oh so tasty.

I ground my own pork this time.  Instead of the mystery meat I usually get, this time I know what's in my ground pork and it's also a lot leaner.  You can tell by how pink most of the ground pork looks instead of it being dotted with white pieces of fat.
tofu, green onions, mushroom soy, chili sauce with fermented black beans, chili oil & sesame oil
EVERYTHING IN THE WOK (sprinkle the g. onions last so they don't get all brown)

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